The 3rd International Health and Climate Change Congress Paper Preparation and Evaluation Instructions


Purpose, Scope, Definitions

Article 1- The purpose of this directive is to regulate the work of the Scientific Committee of  the 3rd International Health and Clımate Change Congress as well as the stages for preparation and presentation of papers, and the procedures and principles to be followed before, during, and after the congress.

Article 2- This directive covers the rules to be followed in all scientific studies to be carried out within the scope of the 3rd International Health and Clımate Change Congress In this context; the duties of the scientific committee of the congress include the formal requirements for the preparation of the paper, the submission and acceptance of the papers, the refereeing of the papers, and the observance of scientific and ethical rules while carrying out these activities.

Article 3- In this directive;
a) Congress;  The 3rd International Health and Clımate Change Congress

b) Organizing Committee; Stands for the Committee established for the organization of The 3rd International Health and Clımate Change Congress

c) Scientific Committee; The Committee established for the evaluating of papers in the 3rd International Health and Clımate Change Congress

d) Congress Scientific Secretariat; The secretariat unit working under the Congress Coordinator overseeing the referee processes of the papers,
e) Organization Firm; The firm that will carry out all organizational activities of the congress,

Abstract Submission Rules and Format Conditions

Abstract Submission Rules

Article 4- The rules to be followed in the papers to be sent to the congress are explained below.
a) Papers will be submitted to the congress through the web page. Papers sent by fax or mail will not be taken into consideration. The abstract submission link will be published on the congress website.
b) A receipt message will be sent to the owner of the paper by e-mail.
c) Abstracts should not be longer than 500 words. Abstracts; shall comprise the objectives, methods, findings, and conclusion headings. Abstracts should include the name of the author, institution, contact information, and keywords.
d) Paper preparation criteria outlined in section 3 shall be complied with.
e) Once the preliminary referee evaluation is completed, the author(s) will be notified, of any corrections that may be called for, and following corrections (if any) and the final evaluation the author(s) will be notified of the result as to whether the paper is accepted or not.
f) The evaluation process can be followed through the notification system on the congress website.
g) Accepted papers will be published in the e- Congress Book and/or printed book.
h) The papers to be published in the book must feature references following APA 6 format.
i) For the paper to be published in the Congress Book, the authors of the paper must have registered to the congress.
j) Each participant can contribute a maximum of 2 papers to the congress. Each participant will have the opportunity to present a maximum of 2 papers.
k) A maximum of 15 minutes will be allowed for oral presentations. It is recommended that presenters prepare a maximum of 15-20 slides for the presentations.

Paper Preparation, Evaluation, and Acceptance Criteria

Paper Preparation Criteria

Article 5- Two types of papers can be sent to Congress: Research and Review.

Article 6- The research papers shall be prepared and uploaded to the system as follows:
a) Title: It should be written in capital letters, be short and concise, reflect the content of the study, and be appropriate in terms of defining and providing an overview of the work.
b) Authors: It must be registered to the system in alphabetical order.
c) Introduction-Objective: Brief information about the subject of the research should be given, the importance of the study, why it was conducted and the purpose of the study should be clearly stated.
d) Materials and Methods: The type, place, time, universe, sample, data collection method, variables of the research, analysis of the data, statistical tests used should be specified.
e) Findings: It is the section where the findings of the study are presented to the reader. Pictures, tables, and graphics can be added.
f) Conclusion: In short, the important results of the study, its contribution to the existing knowledge and inferences and suggestions based on this should be included.
g) Resources: References should be listed following the APA 6 format.
Article 7- The Review papers shall be prepared and uploaded to the system as follows:
a) Title: It should be written in capital letters, be short and concise, reflect the content of the study, and be appropriate in terms of defining and providing an overview of the work.
b) Introduction: The reason for the review, justification, and purpose should be stated in this section.
c) Method: This section shall include information about by whom, when, and how the review has been conducted and which sources have been used.
d) Findings and Discussion / Analysis of the gathered information: The information collected should be written from general to specific, organized in line with the conceptual framework, under titles, specifying the sources. Existing information is parsed and analyzed. New syntheses, contrasts, questions, and solutions to problems shall be presented here. The comments and conclusions of the reviewer shall be presented in this section, and discussions and comments that are not based on data should be avoided.
e) Resources: References should be listed following the APA 6 format. 

Paper Acceptance Criteria
Article-8 The papers need to receive positive evaluations at least by two referees. The refereeing process will be conducted based on the “blind referee system”.


Absence of Provisions, Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
Article 9- The Congress Organizing Committee is authorized to make decisions with regards to issues not specified under this directive. If the subject falls under the mandate of the Scientific Committee, the Congress Organizing Committee consult the Congress Scientific Committee.

Article 10- This directive comes into force with the decision of the Congress Organizing Committee.

Article 11 – The provisions of this Directive are executed by the organizing committee, the Scientific Board, and the Congress Scientific Secretariat on behalf of the chairman of the congress.

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